Internal orders
As a directly downstream grid operator of bayernets, you order the maximum available exit capacity at the grid coupling points once a year for the respective following calendar year. Read more about the topics internal orders, capacity adjustments and long-term forecasts here.

Ordering capacity
As a directly downstream grid operator of bayernets, you order the maximum exit capacity that can be held available, calculated in accordance with Sections 13, 14 of the Cooperation Agreement Gas, at the grid coupling points or exit zones once a year. This order is to be placed by 15 July of the previous year for the subsequent calendar year (order year) respectively. To place this order, please complete the Internal Order Submission Form.
Please send the completed form to the email address provided.
bayernets will reply to your internal order in full within 10 working days after the submission deadline with an acceptance or explanation for rejection. By granting acceptance of the internal order, bayernets undertakes to provide the contractually agreed capacity at the grid coupling point zones to your grid.
Information on the amount of the internal orders of our directly downstream grid operators is available below in the section “Further information“.
Capacity adjustments
Should it be necessary to adjust your internal order during the year in accordance with Section 15 of the Cooperation Agreement Gas, please submit an amended internal order for the rest of the current calendar year, beginning with the subsequent month.
For this capacity adjustment, please send us the adjusted internal order by email using the Internal Order Submission Form by the 10th working day of the previous month. bayernets will reply to your adjusted internal order within 5 working days after receipt with an acceptance or explanation for rejection.
Long-term forecast
Within the framework of the internal order, you as a directly downstream grid operator of bayernets make a non-binding forecast of your demand for capacity or reserve capacity in accordance with Section 16 of the Cooperation Agreement Gas. The long-term forecast is to be resubmitted in advance each odd calendar year and when expressly requested by bayernets for the 10 years following the order year.
For the long-term forecast, please complete the Long-Term Forecast Submission Form. Please send us the form using the email address provided.
New definition of protected customers
As the BDEW has already informed on its homepage here, the amendment of Section 53a in the EnWG was decided at the end of June 2021. This expanded the definition of protected customers. For the upcoming internal order, we would therefore like to ask you, as the downstream network operator, to use the new definition when determining the proportion of protected customers.
Further information
Paul Cibu-Deaconu
Tel.: +49 (0)89 890572-131
Internal Order Submission Form
Long-Term Forecast Submission Form
Penalty for exceeding capacity according to Cooperation Agreement (KoV)
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