Management Board

Dr. Matthias Jenn
After studying law at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich and the University of Wales, Swansea, and then completing his doctorate, Dr. Matthias Jenn joined an international law firm located in Munich specialising in corporate law in 2003 and became a partner in the law firm in 2007. Dr. Jenn first came to the energy industry in 2011 when he moved to the legal department at Stadtwerke München. He subsequently took over a position in the Strategy and Corporate Management Division before moving to bayernets GmbH as Commercial Managing Director in 2016. He has been leading the company as sole Managing Director since 2018.
In an honorary capacity, Dr. Matthias Jenn holds positions as a Member of the Board of the Association of Gas Transmission System Operators (FNB Gas), as a Member of the Board of the Bavarian Energy and Water Association (VBEW), as a member of the Executive Committee of the German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water (DVGW) and as Deputy Chairman of the DVGW Bavarian Regional Group.