With our gas transmission system,
we take responsibility for your future:
bayernets – reliable, sustainable & innovative

We are sustainably securing the future of Germany’s economy with our gas infrastructure, ensuring a gas supply our customers can count on – always.

With our gas transmission system,
we take responsibility for your future:
bayernets – reliable, sustainable & innovative

We are sustainably securing the future of Germany’s economy with our gas infrastructure, ensuring a gas supply our customers can count on – always.


Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency (“REMIT”) is a regulation tailored to the energy sector to prevent insider trading and market abuse. In accordance with Article 4(1) Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 there is an obligation to publish available inside information. To the best of its knowledge, bayernets publishes available inside information as so-called Urgent Market Messages (UMM).

Latest information

We herewith disclose the following information in accordance with Article 4(1) Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011:

26.03.2014 01:30 pm

Marktgebiet: NetConnect Germany

Herewith we would like to inform you that as of 31 March 2014, bayernets GmbH and GAS CONNECT Austria GmbH will offer bundled day-ahead capacity to be auctioned at their cross-border interconnection points Überackern/Überackern ABG and Überackern 2/Überackern SUDAL.

Starting on 31 March 2014, when capacity for the gas day 1 April 2014 will be auctioned, the day-ahead capacity at the interconnection points Überackern (FZK) and Überackern ABG (DZK) as well as Überackern 2 (BZK) and Überackern SUDAL (DZK) will be marketed as bundled products in the first day-ahead slot (daily from 16:30 to 17:00 CE(S)T).

All other firm capacity products (duration: month, quarter, year) will until further notice be auctioned unbundled. Furthermore, the entire interruptible capacity will also continue to be marketed unbundled.

For bundled day-ahead bookings please use the newly implemented bundle points:

  • Überackern ABG AT->DE/Überackern
  • Überackern SUDAL AT->DE/Überackern 2
  • Überackern 2/Überackern SUDAL DE->AT

For unbundled bookings please continue to use the previously existing cross-border points:

  • Überackern (bayernets GmbH)
  • Überackern 2 (bayernets GmbH)
  • Überackern ABG AT->DE (GAS CONNECT Austria GmbH)
  • Überackern ABG DE->AT (GAS CONNECT Austria GmbH)
  • Überackern SUDAL AT->DE (GAS CONNECT Austria GmbH)
  • Überackern SUDAL DE->AT (GAS CONNECT Austria GmbH)

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with your contact persons at bayernets GmbH or GAS CONNECT Austria GmbH.

18.02.2014 05:40 pm

Additional capacity at Überackern/Überackern 2

In the upcoming yearly auctions GAS CONNECT AUSTRIA GmbH will launch an incremental capacity pilot. Incremental capacity will be offered by GCA at the Austrian/German border for the entry/exit points Überackern SUDAL (corresponding bayernets point: Überackern 2) and Überackern ABG (corresponding bayernets point: Überackern) from the 1st October 2019 onwards.

Currently bayernets could realize additional, limited allocable capacity (BZK) in the following amount:

  • Additional 2.621.000 kWh/h BZK at Überackern 2 Entry (9.589.000 kWh/h currently offered,  12.210.000 kWh/h possible)
  • Additional 6.366.825 kWh/h BZK at Überackern 2 Exit (4.733.175 kWh/h currently offered, 11.100.000 kWh/h possible)

These additional capacities could be offered by bayernets to match with increased capacities on the Austrian side.

Furthermore, bayernets could be able to increase the limited allocable capacity (BZK) offered in Überackern and Überackern 2 after completion of the new gas transmission pipeline MONACO 1 (estimated: 4th quarter 2017).

13.2.2014 02:00 pm

We would like to inform you about a change at our yearly auctions in Überackern Entry from 01.10.2014 to 01.10.2015: Please notice that the quantity and the auction IDs have been adjusted.

27.01.2014 04:00 pm

bayernets templates: Inability to Use Capacity / Inability to Book Capacity

In rare cases errors occur during the booking procedure on PRISMA. With these occasional problems in mind bayernets has created two documents. These templates shall enable our customers to proceed with their bookings or the usage of capacity while systems are not available.

  • Inability to Use Capacity (Unmöglichkeit der Nutzung der Kapazität)

This template can only be used for bookings that have already successfully been made on PRISMA (email confirmation/deal ID). During the subsequent processing of your booking an error might occur. This document will provide the basis for setting up your booking within our nomination management during system failures and making a regularly acquired capacity usable for the customer even outside normal working hours.

  • Inability to Book Capacity (Unmöglichkeit der Buchung der Kapazität)

This template can be used for booking interruptible capacities. It may only be used if system failures exist and regular bookings are not possible. The form cannot be utilised for bypassing the conventional booking procedure or for acquiring firm capacity. Furthermore, it must not be used during planned maintenance measures as published on PRISMA.

Since it can be anticipated that these documents will mainly be applied in time-critical situations we kindly ask you to examine them previously.

You can also download the templates on our homepage:

www.bayernets.de -> Gas Transport -> Network Access -> Network Access Conditions (NAC)