With our gas transmission system,
we take responsibility for your future:
bayernets – reliable, sustainable & innovative

We are sustainably securing the future of Germany’s economy with our gas infrastructure, ensuring a gas supply our customers can count on – always.

With our gas transmission system,
we take responsibility for your future:
bayernets – reliable, sustainable & innovative

We are sustainably securing the future of Germany’s economy with our gas infrastructure, ensuring a gas supply our customers can count on – always.


Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency (“REMIT”) is a regulation tailored to the energy sector to prevent insider trading and market abuse. In accordance with Article 4(1) Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 there is an obligation to publish available inside information. To the best of its knowledge, bayernets publishes available inside information as so-called Urgent Market Messages (UMM).

Latest information

We herewith disclose the following information in accordance with Article 4(1) Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011:

04.10.2021 11:35

Over-nomination at Uberackern 2 Entry/Exit

Due to an error during the last days over-nominations at Uberackern 2 Entry/Exit have been possible and the “traffic light” for over-nominations has also shown “green - Over-nomination possible”.

In the meantime, this error has been fixed and over-nominations at Uerackern 2 Entry/Exit will only be possible when all preconditions are met.

Please note that different from the former BZK product all DZK capacities offered at Uberackern 2 have to be sold out before we can accept over-nominations.

This is stated in the regulation “KASPAR” (BK7-18-052) Rationale II

“Accordingly, within-day bFZK and DZK must be sold out before shippers can be allocated within-day uFZK by means of over-nomination.”

For further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.